In preparation of the workshop on “Commercialisation and utilisation of Space Exploration Technologies” (Turin, 15-16 March 2018), the Space Exploration Working Group launched a CALL FOR ABSTRACTS with the objective to identify successful business ideas and innovative concepts demonstrating the benefits of the utilisation, direct commercialisation and indirect exploitation of space exploration outcomes.
The idea was to gather best practices, presentations of successful case studies, innovative ideas, future plans, new business models and initiatives of how innovations and technologies developed in the frame of space exploration could generate spin-off business and drive technology that increases economic outputs, improves productivity and supports non-space sectors.
27 abstracts were collected and are now being evaluated by the Jury, made of the following experts:
- Ms Laura Gatti (WG Co-Chair, Thales Alenia Space)
- Mr Piero Messiforo (WG Co-Chair, Piedmont Region)
- Mr Richard Ambrosi (WG Co-Chair, University of Leicester)
- Ms Roya Ayazi (NEREUS Secretary General)
- Mr Bernhard Hufenbach (European Space Agency)
- Mr Giacomo Cao (Distretto Aerospaziale Sardegna)
- Mr Ernesto Vittone (ALTEC)
- Mr Alessandro Chiesa (Aviospace)
- Mr Alberto Accogli (Leoni Corporate Advisors)
- Mr Cesare Lobascio (Thales Alenia Space)
The outcomes of the evaluation will be presented at a high-level regional workshop held in Turin (Piedmont Region) on the 15th and 16th of March 2018.